Hi All. I feell Fall in the air. Pumpkin spice everything, sweater weather although it's still in the 80s and higher at days here, but I'm determined to ring in Fall with puffy big Southern hair (I'm from the South ya'll), trying the new hat trend and selfie sweater photos. Honestly to be a little vulnerable here, I think I feel my most confident in the fall and winter. When do you feel the most confident?
Have you heard the expression that many social media users use while taking a photo of themselves where they feel pretty and they'll say, "feeling cute, might delete later"? I've done that before. Have you? Why do we do that?
As women we at times live in this place of comparing ourselves to others, especially the perfect filtered Instagram photos out there we find ourselves scrolling through. We have moments of confidence where yes, we are "feeling cute", or strong or empowered or confident, take a photo, like it and spontaneously throw it up on Facebook, instagram etc. We hover our finger over the button and in the split second it takes us to press the button to post it to our public accounts our confidence level is already decreasing and our negative self-talk has increased, thus the saying of "might delete later".
I've wrestled at what to post on my personal and professional accounts. Wanting to portray the right image. As I've gotten into running lately I've at times had a battle rage within myself of feeling proud of myself and wanting to post my photos of running, of fun races I'm in, the landscape, and the views to share with others, and yes as a statement to myself that I'm proud of me. And yet, many times I know the photos aren't the most flattering and I can pick the way I look apart bit by bit. And then all of a sudden I'm not proud of me and my confidence level has plummetted that I felt five seconds ago. This internal dialogue can be, and is, exhausting. Does anyone else do this? I know I'm not alone in this.
So this is my encouragement to us all; allow yourself to feel that feeling of confidence, empowerment, cuteness, sexiness, attractiveness, enjoyment and take the photo, post it if you wish and do not delete it later. Be proud of you! Let's post and share and encourage others to feel confident in your own beautifully imperfect skin. #shahnaduerksen #selfacceptance #bodyimage #positivebodyimage #mentalhealth #roubicekandthacker #MentalHealthMonth #mentalhealthmonday #shahnaduerksenassociatemarriageandfamilytherapist #motivationalmonday #depressionandanxiety #depressionawareness #selfcareisforeveryone #selfcaretips #survivingorthriving #celebritymentalhealth #fresnotherapy #roubicekandthackercounseling